Searches for exotic Higgs decays are a particularly rich and fruitful way to seek evidence of new physics.
- The SM-like Higgs boson has an extremely narrow width, Γh ≅ 4.07 MeV, so that Γh/mh ≅ 3.3 ×10−5. Even a small coupling to another light state can easily open up additional sizable decay modes.
- There are very good reasons to suspect that new physics couples preferentially to the Higgs boson, since it provides one of only a few "portals" that allow SM matter to interact with hidden-sector matter that is SM-neutral via potentially (super-)renormalizable interactions (see e.g. [11,12,13,14]). This is the famous Higgs portal, which includes terms like
for a singlet scalar s or singlet fermion ψ. Exotic branching fractions Br(h→ ss, ψψ) ∼ 10% only require a coupling ζ ∼ 0.01, or Λ as large as several TeV (for μ ∼ mψ). Thus exotic Higgs decays can indirectly probe new physics scales beyond the kinematic reach of the LHC, and may even provide the only evidence of a new sector at the LHC. - Higgs "coupling fits" constrain Br(h→BSM) <~ 20 − 60% at 95% CL, depending on assumptions, see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for some recent fits. Future projections suggest an ultimate precision at the LHC on this indirect measurement of Br(h→BSM) of O(5−10%) [8,9,10]. Branching fractions of O(10%) into exotic decay modes are therefore not only still allowed by existing data but will remain reasonable targets for the duration of the physics program of the LHC.
- The data collected at the LHC7 and LHC8 may easily contain O(50,000) exotic Higgs decays per experiment, assuming ∼ 10% exotic branching fraction. For those decay modes which pass trigger thresholds with high enough efficiency, dedicated searches represent a tremendous potential for discoveries of new physics.
- Branching fractions as small as O(10−6) could be detected at the LHC14 with 300 fb−1, if the decay signature is both visible and clean.
- [1]
- G. Belanger, B. Dumont, U. Ellwanger, J. Gunion, and S. Kraml, Status of invisible Higgs decays, [arXiv:1302.5694].
- [2]
- P. P. Giardino, K. Kannike, I. Masina, M. Raidal, and A. Strumia, The universal Higgs fit, [arXiv:1303.3570].
- [3]
- J. Ellis and T. You, Updated Global Analysis of Higgs Couplings, [arXiv:1303.3879].
- [4]
- K. Cheung, J. S. Lee, and P.-Y. Tseng, Higgs Precision (Higgcision) Era begins, [arXiv:1302.3794].
- [5]
- A. Djouadi and G. Moreau, The couplings of the Higgs boson and its CP properties from fits of the signal strengths and their ratios at the 7+8 TeV LHC, [arXiv:1303.6591].
- [6]
- CMS Collaboration, Combination of standard model Higgs boson searches and measurements of the properties of the new boson with a mass near 125 GeV.
- [7]
- ATLAS Collaboration, Combined coupling measurements of the Higgs-like boson with the ATLAS detector using up to 25 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data.
- [8]
- M. E. Peskin, Comparison of LHC and ILC Capabilities for Higgs Boson Coupling Measurements, [arXiv:1207.2516].
- [9]
- CMS Collaboration, Projected Performance of an Upgraded CMS Detector at the LHC and HL-LHC: Contribution to the Snowmass Process, [arXiv:1307.7135].
- [10]
- ATLAS Collaboration, Physics at a High-Luminosity LHC with ATLAS, [arXiv:1307.7292].
- [11]
- R. E. Shrock and M. Suzuki, Invisible Decays of Higgs Bosons, Phys.Lett. B110 (1982) 250.
- [12]
- M. J. Strassler and K. M. Zurek, Echoes of a hidden valley at hadron colliders, Phys.Lett. B651 (2007) 374-379, [hep-ph/0604261].
- [13]
- R. Schabinger and J. D. Wells, A Minimal spontaneously broken hidden sector and its impact on Higgs boson physics at the large hadron collider, Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 093007, [hep-ph/0509209].
- [14]
- B. Patt and F. Wilczek, Higgs-field portal into hidden sectors, [hep-ph/0605188].
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